Dachaigh> Products> Meatair sruthadh> Flowmeter roth-uidheam> 4-20ma Sluagh roth-uidheamaichte
4-20ma Sluagh roth-uidheamaichte
4-20ma Sluagh roth-uidheamaichte
4-20ma Sluagh roth-uidheamaichte
4-20ma Sluagh roth-uidheamaichte
4-20ma Sluagh roth-uidheamaichte
4-20ma Sluagh roth-uidheamaichte
4-20ma Sluagh roth-uidheamaichte

4-20ma Sluagh roth-uidheamaichte

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Pacadh & Lìbhrigeadh
Aonadan reic : Set/Sets
Flowmeter roth-uidheam
Tuairisgeul an toraidh

Cleachd an àrainneachd

Teòthachd àrainneachd -20 ~ + 55 ℃

Teòthachd cùmhnanta 5% ~ 95%

Cuideam atmospheric 86-106kpa

Teòthachd an uisge air a thomhas

Seòrsa àbhaisteach -20 ~ + 120 ℃

Seòrsa-Profion-Prof -20 ~ 70 ℃

Turbine Flowmeter

Structar agus meud ceangail:

Togail snàithichte

Turbine Flowmeter

Suidheachadh paramadair

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Set value







1. Preset selection

2. Default Chinese

Mailing address


1. Enter the device,communication address

2. This option is not available for battery power

3. Select current output product, this setting is invalid

4. Only selected communication products with 485 take effect

5. Default address 001

Baud rate


1. 1. Preset selectionBaud rate of device communication

2. This option is not available on battery power

3. Select current output product, this setting is invalid

4. Only the communication product with 485 takes effect

5. Default 2400

Flow unit

m3/h, m3/m, m3/s,

L/h, L/m, L/s,

Kg/h, Kg/m, Kg/s

1. Preset selection

2. The default is m3/h

Range setting


1. Input setting

2. Range units change as flow units are modified

3. The default value is 100

Damping time


1. Enter the Settings

2. The default value is 04

Small signal excision


1. Input setting

2. If the input is greater than 100%, it is equal to 100%

3. Default 0

Instrument coefficient


1. Input setting

2. Correct the flow value

3. Default 3600

Set density


1. Input setting

2. Modified fluid density

3. Default 1000Kg/ m3

Output mode

Pulse output/current output

1. Preset selection

2. Battery powered does not have this option

3. Select the product with 485 communication function, this setting function is invalid if set to current output, only pulse output can be selected

4. Default current output

Cumulative setting


1. Input setting

2. The default value is the actual total value of the system

Current zero correction


1. Input setting

2. The default value is the factory revision value. Users are prohibited to modify it under special circumstances

Current full degree correction


1. Input setting

2. The default value is the factory revision value. Users are prohibited to modify it under special circumstances

Tha an soitheach roth-uidheam cothise againn a 'reic flot fluilleadh, bidh sinn cuideachd a' toirt a-mach luibh-luaithe no ionnstramaidean ìre agus dràma eile, ma tha feum agad air, faodaidh tu fios a chuir thugainn.

Dachaigh> Products> Meatair sruthadh> Flowmeter roth-uidheam> 4-20ma Sluagh roth-uidheamaichte
Cuir fios thugainn
Lean sinn

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Cuiridh sinn fios thugaibh gu bheil thu dìreach a 'faighinn a-steach

Lìon a-steach barrachd fiosrachaidh gus am faigh thu fios thugad nas luaithe

Aithris Prìobhaideachd: Tha do phrìobhaideachd glè chudromach dhuinne. Tha a 'chompanaidh againn a' gealltainn gun a bhith a 'foillseachadh do fhiosrachadh pearsanta do cheadan soilleir.
