Dachaigh> Products> Meatair fuachd no teas> Ultrasonic Fula Ultrasonic no Teas Flowmeter> Dc 10-28v dà-sheanalair Teamhnair teas sianal ultrasonic
Dc 10-28v dà-sheanalair Teamhnair teas sianal ultrasonic
Dc 10-28v dà-sheanalair Teamhnair teas sianal ultrasonic
Dc 10-28v dà-sheanalair Teamhnair teas sianal ultrasonic
Dc 10-28v dà-sheanalair Teamhnair teas sianal ultrasonic
Dc 10-28v dà-sheanalair Teamhnair teas sianal ultrasonic
Dc 10-28v dà-sheanalair Teamhnair teas sianal ultrasonic

Dc 10-28v dà-sheanalair Teamhnair teas sianal ultrasonic

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Flowmeter Teamh Teas Sianal Ultrasonic
Tuairisgeul an toraidh

Mar a tha e ag obair

Bidh Flowmeter / Teas Teas Super Sianal Ultrasonic an dà chuid a 'tomhas ìre sruthadh aig gach puing anns an loidhne-phìoban, a' dèanamh suas cruinneas ìre rèidh-chòmhnaidh v gu astar uachdar Ѷ An sgaradh measaidh iomlan an ionnstramaid a leasachadh.

Bidh an fhlùraichean Flowmeter / Teas Teas Super Sianal Ultrasonepiter a 'dol air adhart agus a' faighinn tonnan ultrasonic ri chèile tro luchd-mothachaidh àrda is sìos an abhainn. Nuair a bhios na beam Ultrasonic a 'prompeates san leaghan, bheir sruth an leaghan atharrachadh beag anns an ùine neo-lìonraidh, agus tha an t-àm an gnìomhair ann an ìre an leaghan, mar a chithear san fhigear.

Two Channel Ultrasonic Heat Flowmeter

Prìomh chlàr-teagaisg coileanaidh


Performance, Parameters







Level 2



Velocity range

0.1 ~ ±7 m/s

Measurement principle

Ultrasonic propagation time difference principle, 32-bit CPU operation, 8-byte double floating point operation.

Measurement period

50mS. (20 times per second, 64 sets of data are collected per cycle).


2×10 or 4*8 backlit Chinese character LCD display, low power consumption for segment code LCD display.


4×4 keypad /4 key input.


Two three-wire PT100/PT1000 platinum resistance input circuits can realize the function of heat metering


Current signal: 4~20mA, impedance 0~500, floating, accuracy 0.1%FS.

Pulse signal: positive, negative, net flow and heat cumulative pulse OCT output.

Data interface: Standard isolated RS-485 interface.

Other Functions

Memory day, month, year cumulative traffic.

Fault self-diagnosis function; Network working mode, etc.


External clamp type: small standard S1 type, suitable for pipe diameter DN15 ~ DN100mm

Medium standard M1 type, suitable for pipe diameter DN50 ~ DN700mm

Large standard L1 type, suitable for pipe diameter DN300 ~ DN6000mm

Insert type: The measuring pipe material is not limited (weldable, non-weldable can be) suitable for pipe diameter DN80 or more.

Standard pipe segment: suitable for pipe diameter DN50-DN2000

Cable Length

Can be extended to 100m (more than this length please contact the manufacturer).



Steel, stainless steel, cast iron, hard plastics, cement pipes and other dense pipes, allowing lining.

Inside diameter

10mm - 6000mm

Length of straight pipe section

Upstream ≥10D, downstream ≥5D, ≥30D from the pump outlet.



Water, seawater, acid lye, food oil, steam, coal, diesel, crude oil, alcohol, beer and other uniform liquids that can spread ultrasonic waves.


≤10000 ppm, and small bubble content.



Flow direction

The positive and negative flow can be measured separately, and the net flow can be measured.





Host: -10-70℃ (greater than this temperature range, please contact the manufacturer)

Probe: -30℃ ~ +150℃


Host: 85%RH

Probe: can be immersed in water, water depth ≤3 meters.

Electric source

Ordinary version: DC24V, AC220V power supply mode.

Low-power version: 3.6v lithium battery / 9~36V.

Two Channel Ultrasonic Heat Flowmeter

Is e sruth-siubhail Teas de theas dà-sheanas an seòrsa as cumanta den t-sruth flùr no teas as cumanta againn, a tha cuideachd mar aon de na meatair as fheàrr. A bharrachd air a bhith a 'dèanamh siubhal fuar no teas, bidh sinn cuideachd a' dèanamh meatair fliuch agus meatair no ionnstramaidean ìre , ma tha ùidh agad, cuir fios thugainn.

Dachaigh> Products> Meatair fuachd no teas> Ultrasonic Fula Ultrasonic no Teas Flowmeter> Dc 10-28v dà-sheanalair Teamhnair teas sianal ultrasonic
Cuir fios thugainn
Lean sinn

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Cuiridh sinn fios thugaibh gu bheil thu dìreach a 'faighinn a-steach

Lìon a-steach barrachd fiosrachaidh gus am faigh thu fios thugad nas luaithe

Aithris Prìobhaideachd: Tha do phrìobhaideachd glè chudromach dhuinne. Tha a 'chompanaidh againn a' gealltainn gun a bhith a 'foillseachadh do fhiosrachadh pearsanta do cheadan soilleir.
